Author Archive
- iPhone App Allows Patients to Self-Monitor Progress of Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy
- Novel Bionic Eye Uses Gold and Lasers
- Can Children’s Retinas Predict Later Hypertension?
- Asian Fruit Containing Lutein and Zeaxanthin May Protect from Diabetic Retinopathy
- Can Retinal Screening Offer Early Detection of Alzheimer’s?
- Do Smokers Have a Higher Risk of Blindness?
- New Research Shows Vitamin C is Important for Eye Health
- Does the Implantable Telescope Materially Improve the Quality of Life of AMD Sufferers?
- Update on Pediatric Vision Scanner That Offers Breakthrough Method of Detecting Any Form of Amblyopia in Small Children
- New Research Showing Vitamin C, Lutein and Zeaxanthin Can Reduce Risk of Cataracts
- Can Antioxidants Inhibit Cataract Formation?
- Can Flax Seed Oil Protect the Retina from UV Damage?
- Evidence Builds for a Role of Omega-3 in Reducing AMD Risk
- Protect Your Eyes From the Sun With UV-Blocking Sunglasses
- Can Eye Health be Used to Determine the Extent of Diabetic Peripheral Nephropathy?
- Dietary Nutrients Reduced Risk of AMD in Certain Genetic Variants
- Can Selenium Improve Eye Symptoms of Graves’ Disease?
- Eye Allergy Symptoms Alleviated by Acuvue and CIBA Dailies with Enhanced Lubricating Agents
- New Ideas on How Lutein Protects the Eyes
- Can Blocking of microRNA Offer a New Treatment of Macular Degeneration?
- Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Schepens Eye Research Institute Join Forces
- New LASIK “Ask the Surgeon” Online Resource Launched
- Do People Understand How to Eat for Healthy Eyesight?
- Infant Visual Health Claims for Omega-3s Approved by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Can Dark Chocolate Improve Vision?
- Smoking Increases Risk of Macular Degeneration
- More Evidence for Positive Effect of Omega-3 in Dry Eye Sufferers
- Will Contact Lenses be Able to Transmit Medical Information?
- IRIDEX Granted Patent for Stepped Angled EndoProbe® Laser Handpieces Used in Invasive Eye Surgery
- Are Annual Eye Exams For Diabetics Cost-Effective?
- Can a Vegan Diet Reduce Cataract Risk?
- Mother’s Day LASIK Giveaway by the Eye Institute of Utah
- Does Omega-3 Supplementation During Pregnancy Improve Vision in Infants?
- Can Healthy Diet, Vitamin D, and Exercise Reduce Risk of Early AMD in Women?
- Leading Researcher Discusses Lutein and Retinal Health
- Lutein and Eye Health Discussed at Recent Conference
- Can Protein Intake and Immunization Compliance Affect Pre-schooler’s Eyesight?
- Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fish Reduce Risk of Macular Degeneration in Women?
- Can Microbots Deliver Drugs into the Eye to Treat Macular Degeneration?
- How Can Retinopathy of Prematurity be Detected Most Effectively?
- How Does Temperature Affect Dry Eye?
- Can Omega-3 Help Dry Eye?
- Identification of Glaucoma Gene Furthers Understanding of the Disease
- Can Being Overweight Protect Against Glaucoma?
- How Closely Are Type 2 Diabetes and Macular Degeneration Associated?
- Artificial Retinal Implant May Restore Sight to Blind
- How Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect From Retinopathy?
- New Therapies for “Dry” Macular Degeneration Under Development Based on Enzyme and DNA Research
- Could Free Radicals Play a Role in Corneal Disease?
- New Device Detects Lazy Eye and Strabismus in Preschoolers
- Childhood Glaucoma Social Network Established
- Can New Nintendo Game 3D Graphics Damage Children’s Eyes?
- New Technologies Help Blind Read Text and Navigate Streets
- What is the Evidence for Free Radical Effect on AMD and Cataracts?
- Beta-Carotene Fortification for Better Eye Health
- Smartphone’s Blinput Allows Visually Impaired to Attain Greater Independence
- What is the Role of Nutrigenomics in Eye Health?
- Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Other Eye Health Supplements See Strong Market Growth
- Do Healthier Lifestyles Explain Reduced Incidence of Macular Degeneration?
- Do Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Levels Have Any Effect on the Severity of Dry Eye?
- False Eye Health Claims on Children’s Vitamins Relating to Omega-3 Content Leads to Settlement
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Useful for Treating Macular Degeneration and Cataracts