More Evidence for Positive Effect of Omega-3 in Dry Eye Sufferers

May 10, 2011

Earlier this year we reported in this blog on a pilot study testing the benefit of omega-3 fatty acids for dry eye patients.  A new study has just been released which brings additional evidence that omega-3 may be recommended for this condition.

Patients in this study suffered from dry eye due to Meibomian gland dysfunction or primary Sjogren syndrome.  They took omega-3 supplements from 1-4 months alongside their regular therapy.  Through questionnaires and testing of the eye surface, researchers found that supplmentation improved the symptoms of dry eye.  In addition, patients subjectively felt that the supplement helped them.

To read the abstract of this article, click here.

Risa Schulman, PhD
Expert, Healthy Food and Dietary Supplement Science, Marketing and Regulatory




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