Lacrisert vs. Liposic vs. Refresh Lacri-Lube vs. Refresh Liquigel

May 13, 2010

A few weeks ago i went to my optician who gave me an eye exam. He asked me if i had any problems with my eyes and I said yes my left eye has felt like there is something in it,like a hair or a small object, near the tear duct area.

He checked and said there was nothing wrong. He gave me some Liposic (it has not helped at all) and sent me on my way. I have felt this object in my eye for months before. So I went to the doctor and told him. He didn’t check my eye. He just prescribed lacrisert. But when i went to get this medication the pharmacy told me it was 100’s of dollars and wasn’t covered on my medical coverage. 

The pharmacist then contacted the doctor who had prescribed Lacrisert inserts, and I was switched to refresh lacri-lube and refresh liquigel (drops) this for people with dry or watery eyes?..i dont have either,should go to another eye doctor at a hospital for a third opinion?…This is driving me bonkers.




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4 Responses to “Lacrisert vs. Liposic vs. Refresh Lacri-Lube vs. Refresh Liquigel”

  • Eye patient

    Well said, I do agree with ari altho I m not a doctor coz I hv my personal experience with all b4

  • ari weitzner

    true, optometrists are trained in all eye diseases. my point really is that their training in serious, vision-threatening eye diseases is not nearly as exhaustive as that of ophthalmologists. in the same vein, ophthalmologists are trained in eyeglasses and contacts, but admittedly, it’s not nearly as comprehensive as that of optometrists.

    this is why the vast majority of optometrists deal largely with glasses and contacts and limit themselves to minor eye diseases. optometrists in rural areas, or those who manage care with ophthalmologists, will indeed tackle serious vision-threatening eye diseases. but in urban areas, that is not typically the case. of course, there are always exceptions.

    this is not meant as a criticism of optometry. it is a wonderful profession, and ophthalmologists would have a hard time taking care of patients without optometrists. but their roles are different.

    i know this debate makes some optometrists angry. it really shouldn’t. optometrists are certainly very good in diagnosing disease- they are often in the front lines in that regard. but the vast majority will refer to ophthalmologists to confirm the diagnosis and treat, when it comes to serious eye disease.

  • Ben Uhl

    An optometrist is trained in more than just “glasses/contacts and minor eye diseases.” We are trained in all diseases of the eye and I have several patients that I manage with glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retionpathy, macular edema, macular holes, retinal detachments, corneal dystrophies, anterior seg disorders, secondary glaucomas, injuries, urgencies, ocular emergencies, secondary uveitis, primary uveitis, etc., etc. etc….I also see a significant amount of dry eye and I agree with Ari that you should start from scratch because whomever you saw didn’t do their job. However, an optometrist provides excellent care and is trained in and capable of handling your symptoms.

  • ari weitzner

    an optician is someone who makes glasses. an optometrist is someone who is trained mostly in prescribing glasses/contacts and minor eye diseases.

    i suggest you go to an opthalmologist (a medical doctor who specializes in disease/surgery of the eyes) and start from scratch. stop all your drops and ointment etc., and see the ophthalmologist.