Can Stem Cell Treatment Help a Patient With Retinal Detachment and Glaucoma?

May 4, 2010

My husband,  now age 33,  suffered a retinal detachment in his right eye 3 yrs ago. At the same time, he was diagnosed with glaucoma in his left eye. The eye with glaucoma is left with only center vision. The right eye was treated with vitrectomy. Only 60% of vision was regained after the treatment. It was GRT, 80% – 90% tear in right eye.  Can stem cell transplant be of any help? I know the treatment and research is in its infancy, but is there any hope?




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23 Responses to “Can Stem Cell Treatment Help a Patient With Retinal Detachment and Glaucoma?”

  • ari

    the patient did not get “useful” vision. he can barely count fingers at 5 feet. looks to me the improvement was mostly from clearing of the blood.

  • Gina Villalobos

    Sight restored after 55 years – detatched retina

  • ari

    this is an old problem- translating success from animals to people. we are more different than it would appear.