AREDS Analysis Finds Combination of Dietary Factors Decreases ARMD

May 3, 2009

As reported in the May issue of Ophthalmology, a new study reports that eating certain foods in combination with foods of a low glycemic index reduces the development of ARMD.    Previous studies have found that these food groups, alone, can reduce macular degeneration.  This is the first study to report that a combination of foods reduces the chances of developing macular degeneration.

The authors reviewed the AREDS data (available to the public for analysis) and the diet of these patients upon entry to the AREDS study.  They found that eating certain foods (e.g. green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, fish, nuts, vegetables) combined with a diet of low glycemic index (GI diet) reduced the incidence of macular degeneration.

The glycemic index is a measure of how fast serum glucose levels are increased after ingestion.  For instance, a food with a high GI, causes a rapid rise in serum glucose, whereas, a food with a low GI may not increase the serum glucose at all.  The study assigned scores to diet factors and their affect on ARMD.  These “compound” scores were related to a subjects risk of ARMD.   This scoring system is new and actual recommendations should  be made only after prospective, randomized testing is performed stated the authors.

Read the article here.

Randall V. Wong, M.D.
Retina Specialist




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