Why Would a Crystalens Implant Fail?

August 18, 2011

I had the Crystalens implanted in both eyes in March of 2010 and my vision is worse than ever. 

My surgeon insists that my vision is bad because of dry eye syndrome and I am not consistent with eye drops. 

Since I am a person with “common sense” and I never had dry eye before that I know of, I don’t believe him.

What are some reasons for failure with this procedure?  Since insurance (Medicare) didn’t cover, I paid out of pocket, $2,780.00 per eye.




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3 Responses to “Why Would a Crystalens Implant Fail?”

  • Pre-existing poor tear film quality and quantity can reduce the quality of vision following cataract surgery, regardless of what lens implant is used.

    Modalities of treatment include: more frequent instillation of artificial tear eyedrops, prescription Restasis eyedrops, punctal plugs and nutritional therapy.

    Some examples of nutritional therapy are Biotears, Theratears, and our patented Dry Eye Relief Tear Stabilization Formula.

  • Ron

    The tear film is an integral part of the optics of the eye. Irregularitites in the tear film do indeed cause disturbances in vision. The incidence of preexisting dry eye in cataract patients is much higher than most people recognize. Further, cataract surgery can and does exacerbate dry eye symptoms in certain patients. The position and size of the incision as well as preservatives in the operative and perioperative medications and solutions can be contributors. In addition to the mentioned types of dry eye treatment, prescription eye drops that cause you to produce more of your own natural tears can provide a long term solution. That said, Crystalens does sometimes have optical performance quirks in certain patients for no specific reason. If you are that dissatisfied with your vision you should seek a second opinion with a Refractive Cataract Surgeon who might be able to use additional diagnostic testing to determine the cause of your complaints and offer possible solutions to explore

  • ari

    cataract surgery, and lasik too, will aggravate pre-existing dry eye. so mild dry eye that was hardly noticeable prior to surgery will sometimes become quite symptomatic. it can take 6 months to a year for it to get better. in the meantime, take artificial tears often and consider punctal plugs to improve the moisture on your eye. restasis can also help. if you dont think your surgeon is being straightforward with you, the best option is to get a second opinion- this way, you can feel reassured that the surgery went well and there are no other diseases or problems that he missed.