Will Contact Lenses be Able to Transmit Medical Information?

May 9, 2011

Research engineers at the University of Washington are working on what they are calling a “bionic eye.”  Their goal is to integrate micro  antennas, sensors and readout electronics – on to a contact lens.

This opens up many functional possibilities. For examples, a sensor and a small radio on the lens would be able to send medical information, such as blood glucose levels, to the doctor.  Putting a display into the lens would enable information such as maps to be projected into the field of vision without obstructing it.  They could also provide night vision or close-up.

Powering the lens is still an area of development.  The idea is to  power it by an LED which picks up radio signals which in turn are converted by a small chip into energy to power the functions.

Laboratory testing has so far been promising.

For a U of Washington video on the project, click here.

Risa Schulman, PhD
Expert, Healthy Food and Dietary Supplement Science, Marketing and Regulatory




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