Does It Make Sense to Perform Cataract Surgery Simultaneously on Both Eyes?

October 30, 2010

In Canada, they are doing simultaneous cataract surgery in both eyes. The advantages are obvious- less cost and less downtime for both patient and doctor.  Downside? If there is an infection, it may affect both eyes, and the patient is in big trouble, and both the surgeon and patient may never forgive themselves. Until the law catches up, I will not take any legal risk and stay away from that.




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One Response to “Does It Make Sense to Perform Cataract Surgery Simultaneously on Both Eyes?”

  • Kevin

    In my case, operating on both eyes at the same time would have been a disaster because my left eye, operated on nearly two months ago, is still bleary and the prescription fluctuating. Had both eyes turned out similarly, I would not have had clear vision in both eyes and unable to work or drive. I have explained to my eye surgeon on several occasions that I will wait until my left eye is stable and I can get it close to 20/20 with glasses before having the right eye operated on.