Treatment for Cystoid Macular Edema?

November 22, 2009

I am a 71-year old man. I had 5 years ago cataract and glaucoma filter surgery. 8 months ago I noticed decreased vision including blurred vision. Recently OCT showed cystoid macular edema. After one injection of avastin, OCT did not show impovement. My vision was not improved either. Diabetes and hypertonia retinopathia, macular degeneration and venous occlusion were not found. What you will recommend in my case? More avastin and Kenolog?




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One Response to “Treatment for Cystoid Macular Edema?”

  • Dr. Ari Weitzner

    usually we treat first with drops- pred forte and acular 4 times a day.
    if that fails, then repeated injections of kenalog and/or avastin are a good idea.
    sometimes vitrectomy can be helpful if the oct shows traction of the vitreous on the macula.
    cme can be a difficult frustrating thing to treat.