Does Pseudo 2D Fractal Analysis Improve Detection of Retinal Disease?

September 10, 2009

A professor at the University of Memphis and one at the Southern College of Optometry have worked together to develop a patent-pending process to detect retinal diseases earlier. This process is called the Pseudo 2D Fractal Analysis.

In this process, light is beamed through the back of the retina and is used to measure the thickness of retinal tissue at certain points. If the tissue is thick at the “12 and six o’clock” points, it is an indicator of glaucoma. Fractal imaging is able to pick up any irregularities in shapes or signals.The researchers note that this process is 98% accurate.

Besides detecting glaucoma, this technique may also detect other causes of blindness, like diabetes or macular degeneration in the future.

The University of Memphis has started the patent approval process for this technology but this may take several years.

Read the article.




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