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Trabeculectomy vs. Trabectome

Posted By Dr. Ari Weitzner On January 9, 2012 @ 5:14 am In Glaucoma,New Technologies | Comments Disabled

Trabectome is an FDA-cleared device for minimally invasive surgical treatment of open angle glaucoma. It safely ablates and removes a 60°-120° strip of trabecular meshwork using a focused electrosurgical pulse and re-establishes access to the eye’s natural drainage pathway.

But is it superior to a traditional trabeculectomy?

In a recent study, trabeculectomy delivered a better IOP (10) than Trabectome (16) with better success rate (76 vs. 22%).

My take is that if your patient has only mild-moderate glaucoma, chances are an IOP of 15 is pretty good. Also, you can always do trab later- so you have nothing to lose (especially if you are in the eye anyway doing phaco).

Article printed from Breaking News Related to Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Glaucoma, Corneal Disease and Other Eye Conditions: https://eyedocnews.com

URL to article: https://eyedocnews.com/006395-trab-beats-trabecutome-neomedix-inc-but/

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