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Visual Chromatic Cover Therapy Offers New Treatment Option for Hemianopia (Hemianopsia)

Posted By Dr. Ari Weitzner On August 16, 2011 @ 10:26 am In NeuroOphthalmology,Refractive,Research | Comments Disabled

Dr Abbas Sadeghian, a clinical neuropsychologist, has just published an article describing a new treatment option he has developed for hemianopia (also known as hemianopsia), a condition where decreased vision or blindness takes place in half the visual field of one or both eyes. The condition usually results from stroke, brain tumor or other head trauma.

Referred to as visual chromatic cover therapy, Dr. Sadeghian’s approach stresses accurate diagnosis of the areas of the deficits followed by modification of the patient’s glasses based on information obtained through visual field exams. Specifically, once the areas of damage are established, the patient’s own prescription glasses – or simple non-prescription glasses of the patient’s choosing – are coated with a specific translucent paint by highly sensitive machines, spraying specific amounts of paint on specific areas of the lens based on the results of a visual field examination.  The patient is instructed to wear the glasses at all times for two weeks.

In the event improvement is detected within two weeks based on a new visual field examination, the patient is regularly monitored to ensure there is no relapse.

The concept is to force the brain to use a different pathway to get visual information to the visual centers of the brain (occipital lobe).

Click here [1] to read the full article.

Article printed from Breaking News Related to Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Glaucoma, Corneal Disease and Other Eye Conditions: https://eyedocnews.com

URL to article: https://eyedocnews.com/005861-visual-chromatic-cover-therapy-offers-new-treatment-option-for-hemianopia-hemianopsia/

URLs in this post:

[1] Click here: http://www.opednews.com/articles/2/Breakthrough-treatment-for-by-Abbas-Sadeghian-110814-413.html

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