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Lutein and Eye Health Discussed at Recent Conference

Posted By Dr. Risa Schulman On April 7, 2011 @ 12:18 pm In Macular Degeneration,Meetings,Nutrition,Research,Retina | Comments Disabled

A conference called “Lutein and Its Benefits to Eye Health” recently took place in Munich, Germany.  Among the research presented there was the following:

  • Prof. B. Randall Hammond from the University of Georgia presented work confirming that levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in the eye have an impact of visual function such as contrast sensitivity, glare disability and photo stress recovery.
  • Prof. Bernstein from the Moran Eye Center, University of Utah studies why and how lutein is concentrated to the highest levels in the macula of the eye. His research has identified proteins in the macula that specifically bind lutein and zeaxanthin and their metabolites.  He is now trying to clarify what their role is.  He is also developing ways to image lutein and its carotenoid cousins in a live eye.
  • Dr. Mina Chung from the Flaum Eye Institute, University of Rochester discussed the AREDS2 study, in which lutein and zeaxanthin alone or in combination with omega-3 fatty acids is being tested for its effects on AMD.  Preliminary results are due by 2013.
  • Edward P. Norkus, Ph.D., from the Montefiore Medical Center in New York studies the efficacy of lutein supplements. His research shows that supplementing with a source of free lutein (as opposed to esterified luten) contained in micro-sized particles greatly improves the amount of lutein that gets into the blood.

All researchers used a branded lutein supplement called FloraGLO®, supplied by Kemin, and marketed exclsively by DSM, both sponsors of the conference.

To see a press release on the conference proceedings, click here [1].

Risa Schulman, PhD
Expert, Healthy Food and Dietary Supplement Science, Marketing and Regulatory

Article printed from Breaking News Related to Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Glaucoma, Corneal Disease and Other Eye Conditions: https://eyedocnews.com

URL to article: https://eyedocnews.com/005214-lutein-and-eye-health-discussed-at-recent-conference/

URLs in this post:

[1] here: http://www.kemin.com/pressroom/news--events/events/congress-lutein-and-its-benefits-to-eye-health-presents-latest-insights-on-floraglo-lutein

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