A Complete List of Current Ophthalmic Stem Cell Trials

January 16, 2012

There are now nine ongoing ophthalmic stem cell clinical trials, with another about to begin in a week or so. Advanced Cell Technology has two clinical trials addressing Stargardt’s Disease, one at UCLA/Jules Stein and the other at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, and one trial for Dry AMD, also at UCLA/Jules Stein, with another about to start at Moorfields for the same application.

Cenecor (J&J)  has an active trial for Dry AMD underway at both Retina Institute of CA and at Wills Eye.

There are several trials looking at the corneal surface – one by CellSeed France (being done in Germany); one by a Spanish Clinic at three hospitals in Spain; and two at Japanese University clinics. And finally, there is one trial underway looking at optic nerve atrophy in China.

To see the complete list please follow this link.




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9 Responses to “A Complete List of Current Ophthalmic Stem Cell Trials”

  • James Green

    I have had numerous injections of cortisone,followed by a stroke that has caused blindness of central vision. Is there anything on the near horizon for therapy / research that deals with this problem?

  • Cristina, I also read your comment on my blog and have responded with a copy of the table I have that lists all of the gene therapy pre-clinical trials that are underway in seeking a cure for retinitis pigmentosa. It has been sent via email.

    All of the work is being done with gene therapy, not with stem cells.

    Irv Arons

  • Cristina

    My mother also has Retinitis Pigmentosa complicated with macular edema. She has lost almost total vision in her right eye and her left is also experiencing rapid loss. I need help obtaining a contact that is heading any stem cell research studies for RP. I would really appreciate any help with this.
    Thank you for very much.

  • Julie

    My mom has retinitis pigmentosa is blind. I am pregnant and planning on storing my baby’s stem cells from the umbilical cord for possible use if future treatments are promising. Since you have experience, sho,uld I also store umbilical cord tissue. Is there a certain agency for storing that is recommended or anything else I should be aware of. Thanks so much in advance.

  • ari

    please refer to irv aron’s piece on stem cell research

  • …wondering if there are any stem cell research trials here in the United States for optic nerve damage?

  • Dr. Ari Weitzner

    Here’s an article from Reuters indicating that China’s version of the FDA has suspended all unapproved stem cell treatment programs:


    Many patients who undertook these stem cell treatments have come away with little or no improvement and a number have died.

    However, the article questions whether the Chinese FDA has the political power to stop stem cell programs being run by the Chinese army. I noticed that one of the links in Irv’s comments was to a stem cell program being run by the Chinese army. My advice – stay away from that one!

    In the past, we’ve directed readers to a website that helps interested patients and their families learn more about stem cell treatments (including questions to ask), and evaluate different stem cell programs – I’d recommend that as a starting point:


  • Hendrik,

    Be aware that the Chinese Government is cracking down on stem cell trials in China — and I don’t know if this one is caught in that web. However, what little information that is available can be seen by following this url: http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/Trial.aspx?TrialID=ChiCTR-TNRC-11001491

    There is also a gene therapy trial in China for Leber Heriditory Optic Neuropathy. Here is the url for mor information about that trial: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01267422

    Irv Arons

  • Hendrik Prins

    The news on stem cell clinical trials is very encouraging. Is it possible to provide some more information on the trials in China related to optic nerve atrophy and in particular some contact details so I can follow this up personally?